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I often refer to the The 5 Love Languages because I believe it is one of the best marriage resources! When we first started dating Ryan and I took the quiz together and found out how we each felt loved. Knowing Ryan’s Love Language from the beginning has helped me to understand how to show him love and his need for encouragement. He knowing mine has enabled him to know how to approach situations to best suite my love style.
Finding out your man’s Love Language will only take a few minutes, but it will make a huge impact on the way you approach your marriage.

3 ways to find out your husband’s Love Language:
- Ask your lover to take the quiz online. It pops up one question at a time with multiple choice answers. At the end it will give them their results.
- Take the quiz manually out of the book, The 5 Love Languages.
- Ask the Mr. to make a list of all the things you do that make him feel loved. Then, break the list up to categorize each one into one of the 5 Love Languages. (Some of the things he lists could go under more than one category.) Most likely the Love Language that has the most listed is his primary Love Language!
Knowing your guys Love Language can change the way you speak to him, what kinds of gifts you purchase, how you spend time together and so much more. It honestly can morph the way your whole marriage looks! (And for a bonus take the quiz yourself so you can let you hubby know your primary Love Language.)
What do you THINK your husband’s Love Language is?
Until next time- truly love,

Love this! I read the book years ago but I know my love languages have changed a bit over time. Can’t wait to have my man take this! Thank you for sharing!
Be blessed!
I was just thinking the other day how I think my love language is starting to change now that I am working from home. I totally think it is possible for your love language to change over time!
Oooh. Totally need to do this! Funny I found you now (through Kelle’s blog) because I was just thinking how I was planning on focusing on this last year and didn’t, but I think it would really help my husband and I work together better and get our love across, ya know?? I will definitely have us take the test! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Christina- Glad this can be a resource for you! I post quite a bit about the 5 Love Languages. You can find each category on the right side of the blog under “Find More” or here is the direct link to all the Words of Affirmations post: . My husband’s Love Language is Words of Affirmations so there are quite a few on there! Hope you enjoy!
Lol, I got bored with this quiz ,all it was about was me and what my partner could do for me.
Hi Taylor,
The quiz is set up in a way asking you questions on what you prefer. So do you prefer your mate to do a or b more. It’s a formula of a certain amount of questions that include all 5 Love Languages. By the end of answering them it will give you a good indication of what your primary Love Langauge is or what you prefer to receive from your mate.
Don’t get too analytical about it, like I did at first. Just answer quickly to which ever one you are drawn to more. If you can make a choice quickly and get through the quiz it is helpful information to know. Especially if you can get your mate to take the quiz!